
Peterborough Snapshots Project

by | Jul 26, 2014 | Blog, Community, Film-Making Workshops

Inspired by the film Baraka, I am embarking on a nature documentary and taking the town of Peterborough along for the ride. The wild ocean, winter surf, storms, rain, underwater wonderland, shipwrecks, local flora and fauna, will be all captured and celebrated on film.

Peterborough's Snapshots film project
Peterborough’s Snapshots film project

‘Snapshots’ is the name of the film project that will involve the small and beautiful community of Peterborough, Victoria, creating a collaborative film project. I have teamed up with the Peterborough Residents Group to invite the people of Peterborough to get involved in filming their local environment in all its winter splendor.

We want to harness the skills, abilities and creativity of the local community to create a beautiful film. To get involved all you need in some kind of video camera device; iPhone, iPad, smartphone, GoPro, Action Camera, DSLR, Drone, and a willingness to go out in the winter cold and capture what you see as beautiful, wild and wonderful. Film footage will be collected from participants in November and edited into a short nature documentary style film. A music score will be created and produced by local Warrnambool musicians John Hudson and Matt Hewson to accompany the film. The film will be screened at the Peterborough Music Festival in January, 2015.

I will be running a number of free filmmaking workshops in Peterborough to inspire and skill people up in the art of filmmaking. We hope that people of all ages and interest groups will get involved.

Are you on Facebook? Join our page and keep updated with project progress and upcoming workshops.

Workshop Dates:

  1. Saturday, August 2nd: Introduction to the project and how to film like a pro on your smartphone or tablet
  2. Saturday, August 9th: Camera techniques and DSLR filmmaking
  3. Saturday, August 16th: Drone and Aerial filmmaking

All workshops are held at the Peterborough Golf Club.

Time: 10.30am-3.30pm

Please supply your own lunch and water bottle. Light Refreshments, tea and coffee will be provided.

Bring your camera (fully charged battery), cords, camera manual (if you have it) and laptop (if you have one)

Please RSVP or send a FB msg with your name and contact details (phone/email)

This project is supported by the Moyne Shire through the Pitch Project initiative.

Free filmmaking workshops for the month of August in Peterborough
Free filmmaking workshops for the month of August in Peterborough