Do your customers tell you that they love your business? Do you often wish other people could hear what your customers say about your products and service? Well, they can with a video testimonial. Let customers do your marketing for you! Create credibility and trust for your business with testimonials from real customers.

What is a Video Testimonial?

A Video Testimonial is a short interview with one of your satisfied customers or clients, where they provide positive feedback about you. They say in their own words how and why your product or service has benefited them. Real people (not salespeople) share their honest opinion on why they think your business is great.

Genuine testimonials make all the difference

Do you often get told by your customers that they love your service and your business? Well, its time you harnessed all that positivism and created some honest reviews of your business with real customers.

Sure, you could get an advertising agency to create some fancy campaign with a highly developed script. But, it is so much more authentic when you use real people with their own way of expressing themselves vouching for you and your business.

It’s that simple: Video testimonials work because they are credible and trustworthy.

Word-of-mouth recommendations are one of the strongest forms of promotion for your business. Most people will do their own research on your business and tend to trust the word of another customer than some salesy advertisement. So, do yourself a favour and capture some of the feedback from your customers about your great service!

Here are some videos that were created for the K9000 Dog Wash. They show just how end-users feel about the K9000 Dog Wash and demonstrate the level of engagement customers have with the product.

Case Study: K9000 Dog Wash

Here are some videos that were created for the K9000 Dog Wash. They show just how end-users feel about the K9000 Dog Wash and demonstrate the level of engagement customers have with the product.