Inform, inspire and educate viewers.
Documentaries examine their subject matter in a way that helps to educate and inform viewers. They can vary from a few minutes to over an hour in duration. We have extensive experience filming, editing and producing documentaries of all kinds and can help turn your idea into a reality. Below are some of the documentaries we’ve been involved in.
Case Study: Eastern Barred Bandicoot Video Series
The last remaining Eastern Barred Bandicoots in the wild on mainland Australia were found living in rusted car bodies in the Hamilton town rubbish tip in south-west Victoria in the late 1990s. This is the story of their recovery and the people who are helping ensure this curious native animal survives. First Ladies produced a series of ten videos for the Glenelg Hopkins CMA on the Eastern Barred Bandicoot.
Eastern Barred Bandicoot Video Series (2020)
Case Study: 40 years of Emma House
To celebrate the 40th Year Anniversary of Emma House Domestic Violence Services, this documentary looks back to Emma’s humble beginnings and takes you on a journey through its history.
Forty years ago a small group of women in SW Victoria set up a refuge for women escaping domestic violence. This was the 1970’s, the height of the women’s liberation movement. Women were demanding a fairer deal and the right to be free from abuse in their own homes.
Out of the women’s liberation movement came the women’s refuge movement, a united force of women for women. They rallied and fought for funding to set up refuges, places of temporary protection and support for women and children escaping horrific home situations.
The epicentre of these movements however, was in the cities and Warrnambool was a long way behind in even acknowledging that domestic violence existed…
40 years of Emma House (2019)
Case Study: Keeping the Ball in the Air
The ‘Save the Fletcher Jones Silver Ball & Gardens’ Campaign, led by artists and community groups, started in 2012. The deterioration of the Pleasant Hill site steadily gained attention as people shared stories, photos, artworks and movies inspired by the FJ story, the FJ Gardens and the Silver Ball. The campaigners attracted the attention of Dean Montgomery, who bought the site in mid 2014.
Keeping the Ball in the Air (2017)
Case Study: Whale Tracker
A celebration of the Southern Right Whales that visit Warrnambool each winter. Peter Read is passionate about Southern Right Whales. Southern Right Cows visit Warrnambool each winter to have their baby calves. The mothers spend 2-3 months developing their baby’s swimming skills and building their strength until they are ready to undertake their annual migration of up to 5000 KM to Antarctica. For ten years running, Pete has spent his whole winter (up to 300 hours a season), watching and tracking the movements and behaviours of whales at Logans Beach, Warrnmabool. Over time, he has built up a remarkable knowledge of the Southern Right Whale species which he shares in this documentary.
This 15 minute documentary on Pete and his beloved whales was screened on November 2, 2014 at the Portland Upwelling Festival. Pete: Whale Tracker won Best Film at the inaugural Port Campbell Film Festival in 2014.
Pete: Whale Tracker (2014)